Solutions and Industries


Business Rules

All businesses are rule-centric. Rules are what determine which opportunities are pursued or left behind. They determine how things are priced, who is allowed to approve or deny, or even who is hired. The flow of information, materials, projects, and money are all based on rules. The Decisions’ rule engine together with our workflow engine, help you organize, automate, and optimize your business rules in an easy to understand, no-code environment.


Many business opportunities require a sophisticated set of rules that when combined will produce a score that can be used to rank those opportunities. Our scoring rules allow your organization to produce complex scores, such as credit scores, loan approvals, or product prices that are based on any number of intricate rules defined by your organization.


Ensuring clean data is vital to optimizing any workflow. Our integrated rules engine allows you to validate data throughout your process. Rules can be combined with forms, to ensure clean data at the point of entry. Rules combined with workflow can ensure clean data as it flows between different users and/or systems.


Data Cleaning

Data cleanup is a cinch with Decisions. Our forms builder is integrated with our rules engine to ensure data is clean at the point of entry. Additionally, our rules engine can be combined with workflow to pull data from your database, apply filters, transform data, and replace it in one or more systems.

Contract Rule Automation

Manage your contracts and ensure compliance with all internal company requirements and/or external regulations. The Decisions platform is regularly used to capture meta-data surrounding contracts and measuring performance against these metrics.



Customer pricing is often a complex process that requires a variety of inputs to generate an optimal price. The Decisions sophisticated rules engine can be used to automatically generate customer prices based on your rules and parameters that are entered by either your sales team or your customers directly. You can even initiate workflows, based on custom parameters, to notify the appropriate people in your organization if special pricing conditions exist. For example, in the event that management approval is required.

Policy Enforcement

Ensuring compliance with company policy can be cumbersome at times. Decisions can be used to automate your business rules and to create workflows that enforce your policies. For example, purchase approval policies based on emails and spreadsheets can be systematized to route approvals to the relevant decision-makers in your organization based on your business policies.


Recommendation Engine

Give your sales a kick-start by building a recommendation engine powered by the Decisions’ rules engine. Our rules engine can be used to determine which products are promoted to your customers based on their search history, their purchase history, what discounts are available, or any other number of criteria defined by your market characteristics.

Fraud Detection

With the Decisions’ enterprise-class rules engine, automatically reviewing millions of data records to detect potential fraud is made easy. Rules can be established to check records against any number of criteria. You can generate true/false outcomes, weight the rule to generate a risk probability, or begin workflows to notify and involve people when potential fraud is identified.


Compliance Management/Regulatory

Internal audit checklists, follow-up tasks, and even regulatory document creation can be accomplished with Decisions. Maintaining all compliance documentation and resulting evidence in one place will make your audit ready at all times.

Embedded Rule Engine

Have you simply lost track of all your application logic? Is it taking too long to figure out where certain business logic lives and how to change it? By moving business logic to a rules engine, you can not only keep all the logic in one place but turn it over to the business to maintain.

Case Management Solutions

The Decisions platform has a comprehensive workflow and rules engine used by enterprise customers to automate traditional, process-oriented tasks. Case management is a different animal that might be procedural at times but often is a very dynamic set of interactions between users and data in order to get things done. In case management you might skip or repeat steps based on the type of case, the customer, the deadlines, or any other data in play.

These kinds of 'on the fly' or 'ad hoc' changes to a process can be determined by user discretion or business rules. Decisions can take the best parts of traditional workflow and case management and marry them together using the enterprise rules engine so that you can have the smartest possible system with the right blend of being predictable and being dynamic.

Case Management Overview

Managing casework can be complex, especially when undertaken without an intelligent and adaptable management technology. Decisions is a comprehensive workflow and rules engine platform that is perfectly suited to case management. There’s a list of common types of cases presented in the ‘Use Case’ column here if you’re not sure what case management is.

A case represents a business situation requiring work. The work may be complex, it may be simple and it doesn’t necessarily have a process that is defined in advance. Working a case involves a collection of activities or tasks – very much like traditional business process management. But cases are not always constrained to a defined flow. Traditional workflow usually moves through a very specific set of steps and assignments for every task. With case management the specific tasks that are required or available to be done on an ‘ad hoc’ basis depend on the details of each case, the details of the business, and the user’s permissions.

Cases center around a single, complete, current, and accurate view of some data or properties. The case is at the center of the universe instead of it being the actual process. The data for a case can be a combination of structured (well defined) and unstructured (documents). The data is used both by the collaborators as well as business rules to guide the case to completion.

Case BPM Technology

The decision about what has to be accomplished can either be suggested by the rules engine or by the collaborators on the case.

Cases must take into account:

  • Case specific data (content)
  • Collaborators (experts, HR, Legal, IT, etc.)
  • Business logic and constraints
  • Regulations
  • Milestones and goals.

What differentiates a ‘case-based’ workflow from a traditional workflow is that it doesn’t follow a predictable path. Expert workers interact with the case and the business rules and can cause very dynamic adjustments in the workflow. Rules technology is integral in adapting the potential interactions and adjusting the underlying data elements. Each case can follow its own unique path towards goals and milestones established in the case definition because each case is different or unique.

Decisions Case Management

Case management in Decisions is designed and defined graphically – without writing code. You can create new case types, modify case types, and change the rules in a visual, testable, and audited way. This fosters the ability to have continual fine-tuning and improvement of the underlying business logic and interaction paradigms. The way cases are managed can change as rapidly as your business needs. This allows the rules and process management to reduce effort, as well as produce higher quality and more consistent outcomes. Instead of the workflow engine just managing the data, it can start to participate by automatically completing tasks and providing hints, constraints, and alerts for cases that have problems or are falling outside of normal behavior.

The Decisions portal has built-in collaboration tools to also manage data definitions (using graphical tools) as well as unstructured data (documents, images, etc.).

Choosing or Combining Models

The choice between a case style process and a flow-based workflow is often a continuum instead of an either/or choice. Some processes may contain very few sequential elements or next step suggestions (like investigating a network outage) while others might have a directed primary path (like a call center agent interaction) with the ability to choose other available interactions governed by the rules engine.

The exact mix of how much the intelligent elements of the rules and workflow can assist the caseworkers depends on a few factors:

  • How structured is the data?
  • Are there any predictable parts of the unstructured process?
  • Is there a primary sequential structure that drives the overall lifecycle of the case (even though the individual stages might lack this structure)?
  • Would analysis of case history reveal patterns to allow the workflows/rules to be a more active participant in future cases?

Decisions provides an ideal platform for the configuration and optimization of case management systems. The graphical tools allow case definitions to be created quickly and changed just as quickly when new patterns or information are discovered. The collaboration tools inside the portal allow you to view case data and provide context for both required and ad-hoc interactions. The rules engine allows the platform to become an active virtual collaborator on the case team.

Workflow / Task Management

Seamlessly connect systems and people to get work done. The Decisions platform has the native integrations you need to set up an orchestration layer in your IT landscape. Organize workflows, set tasks, create intervention steps, and ensure process optimization across your organization.

Purchase Order Requests and Approvals

Keeping the right people in the loop and ensuring decisions are made in a timely manner can be a challenge with emails and spreadsheets. With the Decisions workflows, you can build processes that automatically route approvals and track them through to completion. Additionally, the built-in rule engine allows you to easily govern your custom business rules regarding approval limits, authorized approvers, and approval timing.

Double Blind Data Entry

Improve your data entry productivity by using Decisions as part of your double-blind data entry process. Having one person enter your data and another person check it, takes time. Use the Decisions rule engine to check the double-blind entry automatically and use our workflow designer to kick-start tasks only when inconsistencies are found.


Data/File Gathering

Gathering data and files for various projects and tasks is made easy with Decisions. Our workflow and forms are integrated with our rules engine, such that it’s easy to set up automated process flows that collect data and/or files from external databases, spreadsheets, and forms. This data can be automatically processed and transformed according to your custom rules to kick-start your workflow.

Customer On-boarding

Decisions can be used to completely automate and optimize your customer on-boarding process. Rather than track customers and projects manually, you can use Decisions to build sophisticated workflows that ensure all customers are monitored throughout your sales cycle and ensure that no task goes unattended with customizable automated alerts.


Call Center Automation

Decisions can help you automate your call center. Our tools can be used to integrate your phone system, to automatically route calls and to pull data on incoming calls.

Coordination of Front Office and Service People

Drive front office efficiency by automating common workflows. Decisions can be used to automate daily activities, to schedule routine services, and to systematize manual processes.


Inbound Lead Management (CRM)

Don’t leave the growth of your business to chance; automate your inbound leads process. With Decisions, you can capture customer data from forms and build rules and workflows around that data to ensure that customer leads are directed to the right people and products in your company to translate those leads into sales.

Application Processing

Reviewing and processing applications often require a lot of manual tracking and coordination among people. Our rule engine reduces the amount of review work, while automatically categorizing, ranking, or processing applications based on your company defined rules. With the built-in workflow engine, you can easily loop the appropriate people into the process to ensure applications are processed in a timely manner.


Inventory Management

It’s easy to optimize your inventory with a tailor-made application built on the Decisions platform. Our rules engine can be used to set min/max rules or to calculate safety stocks. Additionally, you can build custom workflows to notify your team of critical shortages or to loop managers in when approvals are needed.

Supplier Vendor Portal

Vendor coordination is a key component of supply chain optimization. Collect vendor information through forms, share forecast information, and coordinate new product launches with the Decisions built platforms. Build custom workflows that quickly share information throughout your entire supply chain when you’re hit with unexpected supply shortages or demand spikes.



Whether purchasing direct or indirect goods, Decisions can be used to streamline the process. Build custom procurement workflows that reduce the risk of costly entry errors and delays. Define rules that enforce company policies with regards to purchase limits and approvals.

Invoice Tracking and Approvals

Coordinate your entire invoice management process with our workflow and rules engines. Automatically validate your invoices against company policies or customer specific rules and build workflows that connect approvers to the process.

Approvals / Routing
Our most common application is handling complex routings and approvals. Every organization is slightly different and thus has different workflow requirements and routings. The Decisions platform can give your organization the exact workflow you need and automate where needed to fully optimize your business processes.

Document Collaboration

Coordinating document work across multiple people and departments can be challenging. Our workflow engine with an integrated rules engine streamlines this process. Using our graphical, no-code designer tools you can create custom workflows that assign tasks to users, track the status of those tasks, and set date reminders. Decisions' built-in form designer allows users to add content that can automatically populate and “build” Word and PDF documents.

Employee On-boarding & Request Handling

Decisions can be used to coordinate your employee on-boarding and request processes. For example, you might have a form on your UI that the hiring manager completes. Once that form is saved, Decisions will kick off tasks to your IT department to have a computer set up, or to your HR department to have payrolls set up. Additionally, you can use Decisions to systematize requests from your existing employees, such as paid time off requests or business travel requests.

Finance Approvals

Tracking approvals with email and spreadsheets can be cumbersome. Decisions helps you to automate and track these processes complete with electronic signatures if required.
Master Data Management
The Decisions platform has all the tools and technology needed to maintain and manage your company’s master data. Our rules engine is ideal for ensuring data integrity at the point of entry and for helping to find and eliminate duplicate records. As the velocity of data capture increases, it’s more critical than ever to ensure data integrity and a clean system of records. The old adage “Garbage in, garbage out” is as true today in the age of big data as it ever was.

Address Validation

One of the main sources of ‘dirty’ data originates in address duplication. The causes here are everything from using non-standardized city and state fields to slight variations in the spelling of road names. The Decisions platform includes a connector to the US Postal service address verification system to ensure standardized address fields.

Interceptor Cleaning Rules

It’s not always possible to go back and change data in source systems but it’s possible to convert data on its way to reporting system databases. The Decisions interceptor rules are ideal for making these “on the fly” conversions to standardize your data.


Form Validation

The best place to ensure clean data is at the point of entry. Combining the Decisions form builder with our rules engine allows for data validation at the beginning of your process. This can include features such as dependent drop-down menus, standardized lists, data calls to search for duplicates, and also setting ranges or boundaries around certain fields.

Account/Product Code Reconciliation

Whether it’s account codes, product codes, customer codes, or something different, Decisions can move, transport, and transform data on its way. Companies often struggle with consolidating information due to prior acquisitions, overseas affiliates, or simply due to lack of proper data controls. Our business rules engine is ideal for moving and manipulating data and creating the rules to properly transform this data for management oversight.


Master Data Storage

Decisions can act as the Master System of Record that other software applications access to determine if there is an existing record. Alternatively, Decisions can take data from multiple systems of record and clean these prior to their movement to a data mart. With Decisions embedded workflow, tasks can be assigned to specific individuals or groups to investigate data that doesn’t fall under an existing rule.

System Integration

In many organizations, it’s not uncommon to have several systems managing the same data. Seamlessly integrating these systems so that data can flow from system to system while maintaining data integrity can be a challenge. Decisions offers a variety of tools to make system integration easy. Our built-in data mapping tool allows you to graphically link data between systems, while our rules engine allows for data transformation on the fly.


ESB & Message Bus Integration

Decisions can be used as an orchestration layer, stitching together disconnected systems in your organization. ESB & Message Bus integration allows data to flow between different applications in order to maintain data consistency and get work done.

System Integration
Create an orchestration layer in your organization that allows information to travel seamlessly from system to system. The Decisions platform offers a number of native integrations and tools that are designed to keep your information moving and to allow people to get work done.

Enterprise Message Bus

Decisions can be used as an orchestration layer, stitching together disconnected systems in your organization. ESB & Message Bus integration allows data to flow between different applications in order to get work done.

Data Mapping

Easily connect data with our built-in data mapping tools. Our simple drag and drop tools allow you to quickly build apps and link data from any number of systems.


Spreadsheet to Database

Quickly systematize your spreadsheets. Our tools allow you to link data from multiple spreadsheets, automatically validate and filter data, and then store it in a database. The Decisions platform has native integration with most major database vendors.

Data Merging

Our tools can be used to set up an orchestration layer in your organization that brings disconnected systems together in order to accomplish tasks. As an orchestration layer, Decisions can facilitate data merging by validating data and transforming it on the fly.


Inbound Data Gateway

Ensuring that you receive clean inbound data is critical to most operations. The Decisions rules engine can be used to check inbound data from other systems and to transform that data if necessary to ensure data integrity. Our forms designer, with built-in rules engine integration, can validate data as it’s entered.

Improve your customer encountering processes using the Decisions telephony integrations. We offer solutions for automating common call center operations, so your team can see the information that is most relevant for a given call and can focus on the customer.

Call Center Scripting

Optimize your call center by using Decisions to build a custom call center scripting application for your organization. Our easy to use no-code form builder with an integrated rules engine allows your call center managers to easily build and update call scripts that evolve with your business.

Virtual Agent

Handle routine customer inquiries with a virtual agent powered by Decisions. Our no-code rules engine makes it easy for your analyst to automate routine customer interactions, which frees up your customer service team to tackle more important tasks. Staying informed with changing business requirements is made easy with our graphic designers intended for use by non-technical people.


Outbound Call Management

Boost your outbound calls effectiveness with Decisions. Automate your campaign by creating rules that determine how and when customers are engaged. Empower your agents with real-time customer data and track their success with customized data integrations and dashboards.

SMS Automation

Approvals and workflow tasks can easily be accomplished via SMS. By indicating the proper response to an SMS you can automatically keep the workflow moving, even while you are on the move.


Smart Chat

Automate your customer service by creating chatbots with Decisions. Our no-code designers can be used to develop intelligent chat solutions that handle routine FAQs and free your service team to handle the exceptions. Decisions workflow can be used to involve your service team, only when your pre-defined rules determine a need.

Inbound Call Handling/Routing

Don’t just answer your phone calls, optimize them. Build automated processes that route calls within your organization based on your internal rules. Ensure your agents are prepared for inbound calls by arming them with customer specific data that is linked to the inbound calling number.

Project Management
Decisions can be used as an orchestration layer, stitching together disconnected systems in your organization. ESB & Message Bus integration allows data to flow between different applications in order to maintain data consistency and get work done.

Process Design & Exception Management

Projects would be easier to manage if they were all the same. But as every project manager knows, they are not. Decisions graphical workflow designers allow project managers to quickly modify project templates to match the workflow needed for a specific project even when it’s not exactly like the previous one.

Project Task Creation/Blow-out and Tracking

Decisions can be used to create work breakdown structures and do so in a template fashion. In this way, the entire task list can be created for a project with estimated and actual dates tracked throughout. The effects of date slippage can be viewed and automatic notifications can even be configured. Additionally, the Decisions task management features mean that tracking status and responsibility is visible through dashboards and need not w


What’s the Status?

We have a number of methods to track progress on projects. Be it KPI tiles, graphical pipeline charts, lists of tasks with due dates, and status or calendar reports, we provide the tools that managers need to stay on top of their projects.

Work Breakdown

Project templates can be blown out to tasks complete with assignments, due dates, and notifications. Exceptions to standard work practices can be managed through the use of the rules engine to create truly flexible work breakdown structures.


Calendar View

The native calendar view in Decisions is helpful when looking at project timelines and tracking. Custom reports can give your project team the visibility and transparency needed to get work accomplished on time and provide management with the oversight they need.



Decisions has been accustomed to empowering billing specialists to write rules, to allow telemedicine devices to report inpatient data, and to assist hospital administrators to define how patients are bedded. By using our rules and workflows engine, the people who understand the processes are able to change the things that really matter. Our earliest partnerships and projects grew from the healthcare space by helping solve problems such as:

HL7 Integration Engine

The Decisions HL7 integration engine helps healthcare providers connect the various practice management systems, legacy systems, and payment systems - reducing data entry and error rates.

Medical Billing

Procedure pricing and billing can create headaches with all the payer policies in today’s healthcare space. Decisions can help manage the billing process to ensure prompt and accurate billing and payment.



Given the complexity of healthcare, it’s a common need for different systems to communicate. Decisions can help systems and people communicate, especially if actions are required by individuals or if data needs to be transformed along the way.

Claims Processing

From validating coverage to calculating deductibles, Decisions will help claims processors manage the thousands of rules necessary to manage payments. Decisions' graphical interface enhances the business analyst’s ability to remain current with the ever-changing rules in the clinical landscape.


Revenue Cycle Management

From ambulatory care to hospital bed management, to long-term care - Decisions has assisted healthcare providers in the efficient implementation of their revenue cycle management processes.

Collection Management

The Decisions rules engine is helping the collections departments to manage their follow-up. A rules-based follow-up and escalation plan allows time/date based task creation for follow-up specific claims cases.


First Time Rejection Rates

Decisions has helped reduce first-time rejection rates, allowing for faster payment and less follow-up. With the Decisions rules engine monitoring the claims process and continuing to build rules, claims rates fall while automation and efficiency improves.

EHR Rules

Rules are found throughout the healthcare space and no more so than in electronic health records. The Decisions rules can help enforce EHR standards from data entry through storage to an interfaced connection to another health care system.

You’ve made the investment in best of class ERP systems, so why are your people still working in spreadsheets?
The Decisions platform is helping manufacturers streamline and automate processes by managing the complex activities that make your company different and that the ERP system wasn’t designed to handle. Decisions connects your current systems and gives your staff the tools and visibility to solve problems such as those listed below.

Forecasting, Planning & Scheduling

Are the exceptions to your scheduling process giving you headaches? Use the Decisions rules engine to prioritize customers, modify automated BOM blow-outs, and customize forecasting algorithms by-products.

KPI Tracking & Issue Resolution

Connect your KPI’s with rules and notifications to initiate and track actions when they happen. Don’t wait for the next production meeting to discuss follow-up activities.


Maintenance Management

That old maintenance system too much trouble to upgrade? Give it a facelift, add notifications, and assignment tracking with Decisions.

Electronic Logging

Create plant floor logs, escalations, notifications, and dashboards using the Decisions browser and mobile-based interface.

Lending – Loan Origination and Loan Management

Twenty years ago the idea for Decisions was born from the experience of creating unique rules and workflow capabilities for credit decisions and loan origination. Our founders realized the entire business of lending and finance is rules and workflow, with unique combinations of data-driven processes and human interactions.

Loan Origination

Most Loan Origination Systems (LOS) are “configurable”, but stay tightly within the traditional boundaries of the market for which they were built, such as mortgage origination, auto loan origination, online loan origination, payday loan origination, etc.

Lenders in new lending markets often struggle to find loan origination software that fits, and end up trying to make auto loan origination software work for solar loan origination, for example.

Another challenge for traditional vendor LOS software packages are that they just do loan origination. Lenders need online loan applications, mobile lending apps, post-closing workflow, and other things that aren’t “core” to loan origination systems as traditionally defined, but are core to lending success.

Decisions has a better loan origination answer – the ability to build any workflow and rule structure, without code, without limits. Get data from anywhere and run any rules against it. Quickly implement risk models, pricing models, scorecards, verification workflows, document upload & download, electronic documents, e-signatures, etc. With Decisions, the workflow starts and ends where your business starts and ends.

Loan Management

Loan servicing is also a classic rules and workflow business. Most Loan Management Systems (LMS) or Loan Servicing Systems solutions offer some rules configurability, but they often don’t provide complete control, so manual workarounds are used – outside the LMS.

Decisions has a better answer for lenders and loan servicers who need more capability. For lenders with specialized rules and workflows, such as solar loan servicing, online loan servicing, installment loan servicing, or home improvement loan servicing, Decisions provides the ability to have a loan management system that manages loans exactly as defined by your business rules.

Integrating with LOS and LMS software

In markets without good LOS or LMS software options, Decisions can be used for an entire lending workflow. For lenders in traditional markets with LOS and LMS software that mostly works well, Decisions can be easily integrated, to do the rules and workflows that can’t be done by current systems.

No Transaction Fees, SaaS or On-Premise

Decisions is licensed per server, with no per-application or per-loan fees. Lenders can also choose how they want to run Decisions – pure SaaS mode hosted by Decisions, at AWS or Azure, or on-premise. As with the rest of Decisions, there’s no need to compromise on how or where to run it.

The Decisions platform helps insurance professionals manage the thousands of rules that combine to form insurance approval and rate and commission calculations. Our intuitive, graphical interface allows for the rapid and flexible updating of rules by knowledgeable insurance analysts without programming experience. We assist in processes such as:

Quote to Cash and Binders

Automating the creation of the quote to cash binder can accelerate new policies without the wait or the risk of losing an opportunity. The Decisions rules engine can help put it all together.

Product Configuration

Flexibility in policy construction, driven by rules and automated data connection can shorten policy lead times and extend opportunities.


Advanced Rule Engine

The Decisions rules engine is ideal for the insurance industry and utilized through the entire policy lifecycle, from policy construction, pricing, commissions, and claims handling.

White Labeling for Distribution Networks

Decisions works with software developers and will integrate with existing code and applications, resulting in the same look and feel. Add Decisions rules engine to your application to extend and expand its capabilities.

The Decisions platform helps mortgage professionals manage the myriad rules and workflows throughout the mortgage process, from application and approval to onboarding and escrow administration to collections and default/loss mitigation.

Escrow Administration

Local property tax changes and insurance adjustments can make managing escrow accounts complex. Decisions graphical rules engine allows analysts to update and modify the rules as they change.


Collections professionals use Decisions to help manage collection campaigns and the scheduling and frequency of follow-up.


Loss Mitigation & Default

Workout package creation and tracking are all capabilities within the Decisions rules and workflows engines. Rules governing specific cases can be created and tracked.

Investor Account and Cash Management

On the investor side of the ledger, Decisions assists in tracking account management and cash flow rules/notifications.



Multi-channel onboarding is a necessity in today’s competitive mortgage market and Decisions helps to integrate and manage some or all of these channels. Decisions can quickly add a web or tablet interface with all the rules in your legacy system.

Integration Options for Major Mortgage Software Vendors

No one system can manage the entire mortgage process end-to-end. Decisions integration capabilities regularly connect and extend existing systems to better manage rules, notifications, and task assignments.

Supply Chain Management
To stay competitive in the market, you’ve become more customer-focused, which also means more exceptions to the ‘rules’. Customer intimacy means catering to specific customer supply chain requirements like special shipping labels, special transportation needs, and unique fulfilment schedules. Decisions can help your current ERP system become more flexible and responsive.

Forecasting, Planning & Ordering

Decisions' unique combination of workflow, business rules, integrations, and no-code configuration allow your analysts to cater to the unique needs of your customers even when it means connecting to their order fulfillment system.

Shipment Management

Use the Decisions rules engine to manage customer specific requirements like unique fulfillment schedules, labels, packaging, pallet configuration, stacking, or shipping documentation.


Transportation Billing

Having trouble matching transportation bills to your shipments? Is your current process capturing double payments, incorrect weights, wrong charge values for the destination? Decisions can help.

Customs Clearance

Expanding globally has opened new markets but also created new complexity. Decisions can help your team manage the specific workflow and documents, requirements (country of origin), and product coding (UPC, GPC, etc..) to help your shipments clear customs smoothly.

Government / Education / Defense
Public sector institutions regularly deal with large user bases and complex rules and routings. The Decisions platform has helped government institutions manage processes like:

Case Management

Whether it’s requests for maintenance of government facilities or requests for visitor approvals, case management involves a sequence of task creation, routing, and approval. Decisions can manage these processes end to end.

Licensing Administration

Government licenses of many kinds involve certain requirements, documentation, and approvals. The Decisions rules and workflows engine help streamline licensing approval and maintenance.


Department of Transportation - License and Title Registration and Fee Management

The Decisions rules engine is helping States manage the calculation of registration and tax fees based on the age, make, and model of vehicle.

Enrollment/Sign Up

Government service sign-ups can run into hundreds of thousands and even millions of accounts. Decisions can scale, both on-premises and in the Cloud to manage extremely high transaction rates and data storage.